Keherwa How To Make Beautiful Aad Layakari

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kaharwa taal which are very popular taal in Indian Music.

Aad Layakari is a form of layakari which is specific to the fact that the musician sings complete phrases which are played at the rate of 1. 5 times the baseline tempo of the taal.

Aad Layakari in kaharwa

In kaharwa Taal, while applying Aad Layakari they demarcate the eight beats into a rhythmic cycle compatible to 1. 5:1 framework.

For instance, whereas one phrase may be performed in 4 beats in a standard dance, in Aad Layakari, the same phrase may well be executed in 6 beats.

structure of kaharwa taal :

kaharwa taal has 8 beats It has 2 sections and 4 beats in each section .1 clap of this rhythm On 1st beat and 1 wave on the 5th beat.

kaharwa taal 8 beats

Keherwa basic theka

kaharwa aad layakari

Keherwa taal aari layakari

Taal sign :

  • 'Sam' is shown by an (x) cross
  • 'wave' is shown by (0) zero
  • 'Clap' is shown by its number
  • 'Pause' is shown by (S)
  • 'Divisions' is shown by(I) Bar

The notation of the taal is written according to the Bhath khande Swarlipi method.

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