Ara theka | rabindra introduced taal

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Details :

Ara theka taal introduced by Rabindranath Tagore. He has used the rhythm of 4/4/4/4 divisions of 'Ara theka taal according to the rhythm of his song.

Taal structure :

This taal has 16 beats with 4/4/4/4 divisions.3 claps of this rhythm on 1st,5th, and 13th beats and 1 wave on 9 beats. The first beat of rhythm is called ‘Sam’which is the place is the first clap.

Rabindrik Ara theka taal
Taal : Ara theka taal
Beats : 16
Division : 4(4|4|4|4)
Clap : 3(On 1st,5th,13th(beats)
Sam(x) : 1 (On 1stbeats)
Wave(0) : 1 (On 9th(beat)
Tempo : Medium

Ara theka taal

Ara theka

Song: The song of this rhythm in Rabindra Sangeet is: Borso Oi Gelo Chole

Tempo : These songs of 'Ara Theka taal' are usually sung and played at a slow speed

Read more : Jat taal 14 beats.

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