Sitarkhani Taal Is The Most Beautiful Aad Layakari

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Sitarkhani is one of the most well-known rhythmic cycles in Indian classical music, consisting of 16 'Matris', and is commonly employed in semi-classical and light classical music. The taal cycle is divided into four vibhas (sections) with a 4/4/4/4 pattern.

Sitarkhani Taal Structured This taal is a special 16-beat rhythmic cycle. It has 4 divisions of 4 beats each.3 This rhythm includes Claps on the 1st, 5th, 13th, beats. It also has 1 waves on the 9th beats.

Sitarkhani taal 16 beats

Sitarkhani taal 16 beats

Layakari is used in the sense of rhythmic variation or rhythmic manipulation.

Aad Laya or Layakari : The literal word “Aad” in Hindi is or represents equal to “one and a half”. It points to an art of movement that is executed in a pattern having a tempo of one and a half that of the original tempo. For instance, if the original taal is in the standard time–beat, then, aad layakari means the same pattern is played in the same beat but in one and half times duration.

Sitarkhani 16 Beats Aad Layakari

Sitarkhani aad layakari

For instance, Sitarkhani Taal Ad Layakari – A rhythmic innovation that executes a composition in a 3/2 ratio and creates a great play between the beats. Sitarkhani Taal Aad Layakari is a way to ignite the creativity of the performers to execute the rhythms at the right time and realize the nuances of certain rhythms.

Taal sign :

  • 'Sam' is shown by an (x) cross
  • 'wave' is shown by (0) zero
  • 'Clap' is shown by its number
  • 'Pause' is shown by (S)
  • 'Divisions' is shown by(I) Bar

The notation of the taal is written according to the Bhath khande Swarlipi method.

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